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Firstly, for a list of keybinds, hit Super+/ .

It also includes some Actions for the launcher.


Press Super or Super+Tab to open.

  • Windows
    • Drag to move them to different workspaces
    • Right-click for a few options
  • Search
    • Calculation: Type something starting with a number
    • Commands: They’ll be detected and shown to you if you type in.
      • Performs a headless execution by default
      • If the command starts with sudo, it’ll be launched in foot terminal.
    • Directory search: Type a directory starting with ~ or /.
      • Subdirectories will be shown if the path is correct. Activating opens folder/file
      • Hit enter directly on the entry to open the typed folder/file
    • Actions: Each action starts with a >. See the keybind cheatsheet for a list
    • Apps by default, of course!

Bar controls

  • Media:
    • Top-right corner
      • Middle-click: play/pause media
      • Right-click: next track
      • Scroll: change volume
    • Click the music pill for a controls window
  • Brightness: Scroll top-left corner
  • Launcher/Overview: Right-click workspace widget
  • Virtual keyboard: Middle-click workspace widget
  • Copy text in notification: Click and hold for around 800ms (reference: #224)
  • Workspaces:
    • Scroll to switch workspaces
    • Click on a workspace to focus
    • Click side button (on gaming mice) to toggle special workspace (scratchpad)


Available on the left sidebar

AI services

  • Each AI service requires an API key
    • If you don’t have one, there will be a prompt that takes you to the provider’s website when you click it
    • Once you’ve followed the instructions on that whatever website and got yourself a key, simply paste and send the key in the sidebar chatbox and it’ll be saved. The above prompt should disappear and you should be able to use the API
    • In case you need to change the key, use the /key command. It’ll tell you what to do.

Waifu services

  • No API key required, yay!
  • For the “Waifus” tab, enter a category. See its docs for a list:
  • For the “Anime Booru” tab:
    • /yandere to switch to mode (for general pics) [ Default ]
    • /konachan to switch to Konachan (for wallpapers)
    • Enter space separated tags and you’ll get 20 pics (default, configurable)
    • Include a number to go to that page
    • Why not just use the web interface, you ask? filters are disabled by default in the API

Workspace Groups


By default the bar shows workspaces up to 10. However, many users find themselves needing more than the limit of 10 workspaces. Cluttered workspaces or rearranging windows becomes a hassle as the number of open applications increases.

Workspace Grouping introduces a flexible system that allows for an unlimited number of workspaces (within Hyprland’s limit), organized into groups for streamlined navigation and management.

  • Key Features

    • Scalable Workspaces: Go beyond the 10-workspace limit without cluttering workspace bar or overview widget. Create as many workspaces as needed without compromising organization.
    • Workspace Groups: Workspaces are automatically divided into groups of 10 (e.g., 1-10, 11-20, 21-30). The active workspace determines the visible group in the bar (as well the overview widget).
    • Keybind Support: Hyprland keybinds are configured to seamlessly adapt to this feature
      • Pressing Super + 3 moves you to workspace 3 if your current workspace is 1-10, or workspace 13 if your current workspace is 11-20
  • Benefits

    • Multitasking Mastery: Effortlessly switch between different tasks or projects by dedicating workspace groups to specific contexts
    • Decluttered Environment: Maintain a clean and organized desktop experience, even with a high number of workspaces
    • Multi-Monitor Power: Create monitor-specific workspace groups for an awesome-wm-inspired workflow
      • E.g. 1-10 in monitor-1, 11-20 in monitor-2, 21-30 in monitors-3, and so on.
  • Navigating / moving workspaces within a group: Standard Hyprland keybinds apply.

    • Super + 2 → workspace 2 if you’re in workspace 1-10 (group 1).
    • Super + 2 → workspace 12 if you’re in workspace 11-20 (group 2).
    • Super + Alt + 3 silently moves focused window → workspace 3 if you’re in workspace 1-10 (group 1).
    • Super + Alt + 3 silently moves focused window → workspace 13 if you’re in workspace 11-20 (group 2).
  • Navigating between groups:

    • Spawn a new workspace in the next group by navigating beyond the last workspace of the current group. E.g., Press Super + 0 to move to workspace 10, and then press Control + Super + Right to move to the next workspace, i.e. 11 in the next group.
    • Alternatively, you can scroll with the cursor over workspace bar to quickly navigate to the next group.
    • Consider adding following Hyprland keybinds for jumping to adjacent workspace groups
      bind = SUPER ALT, Z, workspace, r-10
      bind = SUPER ALT, X, workspace, r+10
  • The overview widget also provides versatile window and workspace management. View all windows and workspaces within a group using SUPER, drag-and-drop windows between workspaces in that group, access additional options by right-clicking on any window.

Multi-Monitor Considerations

Consider these strategies for effective multi-monitor management:

  • Allot group 1 (workspaces 1-10) to primary monitor while group 2 (workspaces 11-20) to secondary monitor.
    • On startup, manually move the starting workspace on the secondary monitor into the second group (e.g., workspace 11) using Super + 0, then Ctrl + Super + Right.
    • In effect, this will also create separate overview widget per monitor.
  • Use workspace binding to always place specific workspaces on specific monitors. Get all your monitor names using hyprctl monitors | grep Monitor.
    # Bind workspaces 1-10 (group 1) to primary monitor
    workspace = 1, monitor:eDP-1, default:true
    workspace = 2, monitor:eDP-1, default:true
    # Bind workspaces 11-20 (group 2) to secondary monitor
    workspace = 11, monitor:HDMI-A-1, default:true
    workspace = 12, monitor:HDMI-A-1, default:true
  • Focus on two workspaces at a time on each monitor and move/swap windows across monitor/groups (using Super + Left/Right/Up/Down or Super + Shift + Left/Right/Up/Down) as needed.

Focus mode

  • To toggle, hit Ctrl + Alt + /
  • The bar’s width will be halved
  • Only the workspace indicator will be shown without numbers
  • It turns red when battery is low