



User options

  • Defaults are in .config/ags/modules/.configuration/user_options.js
    • If you wanna add a new config option, add it to the configOptions object
    • It’s available globally in the config

Code formatting

  • Indentation: 4 spaces
  • Closing brackets of an if should not be in the same line as its else
  • That’s it. Use some common sense…



  • rem is used since this makes it easy to scale elements by setting the font size
  • But why are those values so weird?
    • Originally, I style everything using px, but then I decided to use rem
    • I often use values 5, 10, 15, etc. px
    • My font size is 11pt = 14.6667px, so 1rem = 14.6667px. I think you see where this is going
  • I recommend this px to/from rem converter: NekoCalc
    • I might make a converter like that on the sidebar soon™️


  • _material.scss holds the generated material colors
  • _wal.scss holds the generated pywal colors
  • _colors.scss tweaks and create variants of material colors
  • _musicwal.scss and _musicmaterial hold generated colors for cover art.
  • Others are for real components